I have twenty-five years experience shooting for clients in London and the UK. In that time I have seen three recessions, a digital revolution, countless upgrades, and even more software updates.
My professional career began in fashion and beauty photography but evolved into shooting food, interiors and travel features. I have worked on many books, of which the five most recent are showcased here.
My aim is to give clients what they ask for as creatively as possible.
I love my job, more now than ever.
Simply Fish, Stephen Pini
The Beekeepers Bible, Richard Jones and Sharon Sweeney-Lynch
The Weekend Cookbook, Catherine Hill
Pedlars’ Guide to The Great Outdoors, Charlie and Caroline Gladstone
Wedding Flowers, Paula Pryke OBE
Antonio Carluccio’s Vegetables
The Little Red Barn Baking Book, Adriana Rabinovich
The Fishmongers’ Company Cook Book
The Paris Cookbook, Patricia Wells
The Detox Cook, Walters, Baron Cohen, Mercuri
The Wine Experience, Gérard Basset
Wine Wisdom, Susy Atkins
Herbs, Jekka McVicar
Weddings, Alison Price
Salvage Style, Moira & Nicholas Hankinson